Mike Leopold - The Night Before Christmas

Mike Leopold is the Designer of ‘The Night Before Christmas’ at Southwark Playhouse.
Gary’s life is shit. It’s Christmas eve, he’s broke, he’s promised his son some top of the range Power Ranger figures but he hasn’t delivered them, and now his ex-wife is out to find him baying for blood. But none of that matters any more because Gary has a secret. A big, fat (well… small, tiny, and extremely festive) secret that might very well save him and the whole of humanity. A mixture of South Park and Miracle on 34th Street by way of Scrooged, Anthony Neilson’s hilarious and cutting comedy about finding the true spirit of Christmas comes to Southwark for the first time. If you’re a real scrooge, if you hate Christmas, or if you’re just exhausted by going through the motions to please un-pleasable relatives, then this show is for you.